STEP 1: How to Locate the Gluteus Minimus Trigger Point #TwoThe Gluteus Minimus is a muscle present over the buttocks and, as the name suggests, is a smaller muscle. It arises from the hip girdle along the side, and is inserted into the femur near the hip joint. It is...
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Trigger point pain from Gluteus Medius Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Gluteus Medius Trigger Point #OneThe Gluteus Medius is a muscle present on the buttock. It arises from the pelvis along the side, and is inserted on the femur near the hip joint. This muscle helps in moving the leg back and away from the...
Trigger point pain from Iliocostalis Lumborum Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Iliocostalis Lumborum Trigger Point #OneThe Iliocostalis has three parts, two of which commonly develop trigger points. Here, we'll be talking about all three with emphasis on the two that specifically develop trigger points. The Iliocostalis...
Trigger point pain from Gracilis Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Gracilis Trigger Point #OneThe Gracilis muscle is the most superficial muscle on the inner side of the thigh. It is thin, flat, with a broad face above, and a narrow, tapering base arising from the pubis. The muscle fibers run vertically...
Trigger point pain from Gluteus Minimus Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Gluteus Minimus Trigger Point #OneThe Gluteus Minimus is a muscle present over the buttocks and, as the name suggests, is a smaller muscle. It arises from the hip girdle along the side, and is inserted into the femur near the hip joint. It is...
Trigger point pain from Infraspinatus Trigger Point #Two and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Infraspinatus Trigger Point #TwoThe Infraspinatus muscle is a part of the rotator cuff group of muscles. It arises from the scapula (otherwise known as the shoulder bone) on either side, and attaches to the head of the humerus bone in your...
Trigger point pain from Iliopsoas Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Iliopsoas Trigger Point #OneThe Iliopsoas muscle is present on the back, making it an important postural muscle. It is actually composed of three muscles: the Iliacus, the Psoas Major, and the Psoas Minor. These muscles help in flexion at the...
Trigger point pain from Iliocostalis Thoracis Trigger Point #One and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Iliocostalis Thoracis Trigger Point #OneThe Iliocostalis has three parts, two of which commonly develop trigger points. Here, we'll be talking about all three with emphasis on the two that specifically develop trigger points. The Iliocostalis...
Trigger point pain from Intercostals Trigger Point #Five and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Intercostals Trigger Point #FiveThe Intercostals, as their name suggests, are muscles present between the ribs. There are twelve ribs, and the External Intercostal and Internal Intercostals lie between each of them. The fifth Intercostal Set...
Trigger point pain from Intercostals Trigger Point #Six and how to find relief
STEP 1: How to Locate the Intercostals Trigger Point #SixThe Intercostals, as their name suggests, are muscles present between the ribs. There are twelve ribs, and the External Intercostal and Internal Intercostals lie between each of them. The sixth Intercostal Set...
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