STEP 1: How to Locate the Gracilis Trigger Point #One
The Gracilis muscle is the most superficial muscle on the inner side of the thigh. It is thin, flat, with a broad face above, and a narrow, tapering base arising from the pubis. The muscle fibers run vertically downward, ending in a rounded tendon that passes behind the inner side of the femur, curves around the inner side of the top of the tibia or shin bone, and becomes flattened. It is then inserted into the upper part of the inner surface of the tibia. This muscle helps in moving the leg towards the midline, in medial rotation, and in flexion at the hip joint and knee.
STEP 2: How to Self-Release the Gracilis Trigger Point # One
To massage the Gracilis muscle, you will need a ball and a stack of mats, or a stack of books and a low stool. Lie down on the ground with your head resting comfortably on a pillow. If you are working on your left side, lie on your right side with your left leg stacked on top. Place the mats next to your legs, and swinging your left leg over, support your foot on them. Keep in mind that if the foot is left to dangle down from the stack, it will lead to change in the orientation of the leg and will therefore not provide the effective muscle exposure for a successful self-release. If you are using a stack of books, place your foot on a low stool, keeping the knee and the foot at the same level. The height of the stack depends on your hip girth, so find the level that works for you. Once in position, place the ball over the Gracilis muscle and rest the leg and foot on the stack as before. You should feel sensation quite strongly now. In case you require more pressure, increase the height of the stack by about half an inch to an inch. This will increase the pressure. Hold for about 30 seconds and release.
STEP 3: How to Stretch the GracilisTrigger Point # One
To stretch the Gracilis muscle, sit down on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you, your back resting comfortably against a wall. Spread your legs as much as you can and drop your foot towards the ground. You should be feeling the stretch, but if not, bring your torso away from the wall and bend slightly forward. Make sure you don’t hunch your back and always keep it straight. Hold for about 30 seconds and release.Even though the butterfly stretch is usually done for adductors, and even though the Gracilis is an adductor of the thigh, this stretch CANNOT be used to stretch the Gracilis muscle. This is because the Gracilis is attached to the shin bone below the knee, and helps in knee flexion. In this stretch, with the bending of the knee, there is effective shortening of the Gracilis making the butterfly stretch unsuitable for this muscle’s self-release.
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